• OPENARTAWARD - Prize to advertising (tomorrow's creative people rewards today's creative people)", contest reserved to those companies interested in communication and marketing.


• The award ceremony will take place, as every year, in a prestigious location at the height of the importance of the award, during the month of September 2024.

The exhibition of the participating works and a series of collateral events at the event (conferences and meetings on the themes of graphics and advertising communication) will take place in the same venue chosen for the award ceremony.

As every year, it is expected the presence of civil authorities that will deliver some plates of particular significance, as well as the presence of numerous employees of the world of journalism and entertainment.

• Participation in the competition is "absolutely" free: no need for any payment to be made either before, or after. There is no registration fee, neither in case of victory, classification, nor of course, in case of non-placement; there will be no additional expenses to pay for any additional event or disclosure. Openart is personally committed to making active the above

• The competition jury (unique reward in this field with this characteristic) is composed entirely by students and former students of graphic design and visual communication of our institute! This feature of the award creates a concrete bridge between the world of education and the job market; this will enable students to directly experience a professional job and at the same time enabling the professionals to test their creativity on a jury very communicative and with a particular attention to the new trends in graphics, characteristics of the students of the courses of graphic and visual communication.

• Openartaward is a completely independent prize from any sector body, it has no profit-making purpose, but, on the contrary, originally has a purely educational purpose. It does not access (and does not want to access, to maintain maximum transparency and independence) to any public or private subsidy and sponsorships tend to cover only organizational expenses.


• In the latest editions (2018, 2019 and 2023), openartAward was the prize for advertising with the highest number of participations and still remains the only international award in Italy!

openartAward Prize

• The award covers the highest level of prestige as it has already proved a participation and visibility success in past editions, it is "certified" by the sponsorship of numerous institutional bodies


• No other advertising prize can boast institutional awards of this level such as to make "ONLY" OPENARTAWARD the ONLY PRIZE of the institutionally recognized sector!


• OPENARTAWARD is therefore today the most sought-after award in the advertising category and is, among other things, the only one that does not include any registration fee for participants


Medaglia del Presidente della Repubblica


Regione Campania

(2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023)

Comune di Napoli (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023)


(2016, 2017, 2018)


(2016, 2018)

Commissione Europea

(2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)

Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri (2015,2016,2017)

Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico

(2015, 2016,2017, 2019)

Ministero della Cultura (2023)

UNA aziende della comunicazione unite (2019, 2023)


• The partnership of the past openartAward editions.





Banca di Credito


Artisti In Vetrina


La Buona Tavola


Cartiere Fedrigoni

Planet Stand Creation


the last six years winners

2018 (VII edition)

2019 (VIII edition)

2023 (IX edition)

2017 (VI edition)

2016 (V edition)

2015 (IV edition)


I edition 2012


artworks in competition: 92


advertising agencies in competition: 16


brands involved: 49


II edition 2013


artworks in competition: 149


advertising agencies in competition: 32


brands involved: 88


III edition 2014


artworks in competition: 306


advertising agencies in competition: 44


brands involved: 181


IV edition 2015


artworks in competition: 503


advertising agencies in competition: 62


brands involved: 304


V edition 2016


artworks in competition: 625


advertising agencies in competition: 91


brands involvedi: 403


VI edition 2017


artworks in competition: 822


advertising agencies in competition: 109


brands involved: 564


VII edition 2018


artworks in competition: 1018


advertising agencies in competition: 131


brands involved: 675


VIII edition 2019


artworks in competition: 1098


advertising agencies in competition: 144


brands involvedi: 703


IX edition 2023


artworks in competition: 1416


advertising agencies in competition: 153


brands involved: 715

openartAward numbers




Thanks to the students, the agencies, the sponsors and the institutions, we hope to organize the 9th edition so that it will always be bigger, more and more important and open to as many participants as possible.


Participation in the award is absolutely free. Registrations for the 9th edition of the award will open on on April 20, 2024.


The jury made up of the students of the graphics and advertising courses of the OPENART institute will meet by the end of December.

The results will be communicated during the award ceremony which will take place in April 2023 at a prestigious structure in the city of Naples. As soon as we have defined the date and place of the event, we will communicate it promptly.


download Regulation

participation form

download information brochure

For any information send email

info & registration


press review extract (year 2023)

openartAward è un evento promosso ed organizzato da:


Via Pessina 90, 80135 - Napoli

www.openartgrafica.com • openart@me.com • 081.5448397

cod Fisc 95280000639



press review

italian version

the prize


hall of fame

